19 August 2011

Relationship between Religion and Science

Is there relationship between religion and science? Defining the two words, science, according to wikipedia it is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe, while religion is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and worldviews that establishes symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and moral values. Science and religion are sometimes thought to offer entirely different and separate bodies of knowledge.

Many people feel that their own religious tradition is absolutely true, whereas science and all other faiths are artificial and deeply flawed belief systems, invented by error-prone humans. This attitude often fuels religious conflict, sometimes escalating into mass crimes against humanity and genocide. The result is that different religious traditions battle each other, as well as disagree with the findings of science.

In so far as the science presents the defective points of the religion, the religion sees itself in the obligation to give a fitting reply and even more purified to the questions of the faith. It is evident the existence of fundamentalist religions that do not have the courage of make itself ready to the questionings of science, those are incoherent religions and they are out of the dynamics of the life, therefore it creates a parallel and total superstitious world.

Albert Einstein, one of the best scientists of the last times, known world-wide for the theory of the relativity that provided the great revolution of the physics, wrote in one of his texts: "This situation can be express by an image: the science without religion is cripple, and the religion without science is blind."

source: wikipedia, rescomp.stanford.edu/~cheshire/EinsteinQuotes.html

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