24 September 2011

Discovering Your Inner Light in Times of Darkness

People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in; their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within. - Elizabeth Kubler Ross

We all experience challenges in our lives and enter periods of darkness. We can either sink into the darkness or remain stuck in our pain or we can allow these experiences to change our lives by discovering the power of divine love.

We all have ups and downs in our lives and each one of us will, at some point, enter into a dark night of the soul. Whether we are going through a divorce, a loss of a job, a loss of a loved one, a financial or personal crisis, all of these situations make us feel that we have lost control over a part of our life. It is during these periods where we begin to ask the big questions. Why am I here? What is my purpose? Who am I? What really matters? It is when we enter the darkness that we begin to search for the light.

When we experience a problem in our life, we surrender. The winds become too strong for us to handle on our own and we begin to search for protection; a safe place to stay until the storm passes. Like the winds of a storm, our thoughts, emotions and pain can overpower us in times of crisis, and blow us off course. In the midst of our suffering, we feel alone and helpless, consumed in darkness, until someone shines a little light in our direction or we discover that gentle flame burning within.

Through the dark periods in life we learn about love. Most of us are not used to asking for help. We are not comfortable being weak with each other. By sharing our pain in our darkest times we begin to open up and take down the walls we have built to keep others away. We allow the light of another to illuminate our hearts and fill us with love. It is through our hard times where we form our deepest connections and we discover our dearest friends.

When we truly discover this divine love or light within, we become transformed. When we appear from the darkness, we see the world in a different light. We have more love and compassion for the people around us. We develop an inner strength that will allow us to achieve anything. We begin to live life with more passion and purpose, and we develop a sense of gratitude. We are given new life.

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